My Grading System

A+ = Masterpiece (I hold back on this one.) / A = Great. / A- = Really Good. / B+ = Good. / B = Decent (Serviceable). / B- = Flawed but okay (For those times there's something redeeming about the work). / C+ = Not very good (Skip it). C = Bad. / C- = Awful. / F = Complete Disaster (I hold back on this one too).

Note on Spoilers: I will try to avoid ruining a story by going into too much detail. But if I wish to include some revealing points to my analysis I will try to remember to add a separate spoiler paragraph.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Election Debates: Part 2 (Commentary)

Obama got the message.  Mitt wasn't going to play fair.  After attempting to debate as Mr. Nice Guy in the first debate, the President put on his armor and went to war in the final two debates, winning both of them.   Romney did well though.  Not at telling the truth, but by staying in the center (when convincing the world for months that he was a right-wing conservative) and looking "capable" of acting like a President.  To me it was no contest.  In the town hall debate Obama showed strength and proved in all his attacks that Romney was trying to swindle the electorate.  In the foreign policy debate Obama proved he understood the world and how to navigate its dangerous waters better than his challenger.  Yet the question everyone is asking is, did the fact Obama perform better make a difference after losing to Romney in the first debate?  Only time will tell.   For me, I keep scratching my head trying to figure out how Romney is convincing people he means what he says.  All you have to do is go on YouTube and you'll find dozens of videos showing the guy switching stances.  He really will say anything to get elected.  This doesn't mean he's a good leader; it means he is a good salesman. Sure as a business man he was great at making boat loads of cash (as salesmen are supposed to do) but he wasn't really that great at creating jobs and improving lives (for not all the companies he invested in did well).  Romney says he will not add to our deficit because it's wrong but you have to remember he left the State of Massachusetts in debt.  He promises to repeal ObamaCare only to replace it with something just like it but without a plan on how to pay for it.  His tax plan doesn't add up and he avoids this fact by going on the offensive instead of giving us specifics.  He wants to spend more on the military when we're not going to be at war with anyone (or so I hope).  And he still hasn't really addressed his 47% remarks without sounding like a rich guy out of touch with the growing population of have-nots.  Romney is like Silly Putty.  He'll mold himself into any shape and peal off any image you want him to be.   Yet once and if he is in the Oval office how is he going to act?  Is he going to shut himself away like he did with the Massachusetts's State Congress and ride his own private elevator?   Probably.  Even more strange is how women are standing by this guy.  In the debate he avoided the question about equal pay for equal work when it came to women.   You don't have to be pro-life or pro-choice to know that's a good idea.  (And for those who support choice, he hopes Roe vs. Wade is overturned.)   It's hard not to imagine him taking us back to the days of Mad Men where he'll just hire women based on what binder is put in front of him.   I could attack Obama on a few things, but why when of the two of them Obama actually stands for something.   We know who he is.  That's integrity and that's a sign of a great leader.  If re-elected Obama needs to focus on our national debt and he needs to work on getting the moderate Republicans on his side (if there are any Moderates left).   Obama did well these last four years stabilizing our country after Bush took the USA for a joyride and busted it up really bad.   But to continue his progress he'll need to make some tough decisions to get this country back on track.  Romney says he can do this and Obama can't.  The problem is I don't believe Romney.   His entire campaign is built on the Anit-Obama movement.   Vote for me not because you like me or because you think I can do what I promise but because you hate Obama.  Sadly this tactic is working and making a muddled election.  This should be a slam dunk.  Anyone with a brain and an ounce of compassion for his fellow man would vote for Obama.  Our country is better off with him.   Yet the Billionaire Spin-machine is brainwashing us and they're succeeding.  It's almost enough to make me want to scream.  Grade: Obama: B+ Romney: C-

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