My Grading System

A+ = Masterpiece (I hold back on this one.) / A = Great. / A- = Really Good. / B+ = Good. / B = Decent (Serviceable). / B- = Flawed but okay (For those times there's something redeeming about the work). / C+ = Not very good (Skip it). C = Bad. / C- = Awful. / F = Complete Disaster (I hold back on this one too).

Note on Spoilers: I will try to avoid ruining a story by going into too much detail. But if I wish to include some revealing points to my analysis I will try to remember to add a separate spoiler paragraph.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Election Debates: Part 1 (Commentary)

I decided to interrupted this Horror Movie festival to comment on a real life horror story taking place right now and that's the battle for President of the United States.  This election is too important not to write about it.  The monster in this tale is Mitt "Frankenstein" Romney and there's a real reason to be scared and that's because some polls are showing him in the lead.  Obviously I'm a supporter of the President, I think he is a fine president worthy of a second term.  It's as simple as that.  I don't want to switch to another guy right now, especially one so desperate to win he'll say anything to convince people he's the guy.  Obama is in the worst place right now.  He doesn't want to come across as too defensive and angry while at the same time he needs to show why Romney's policies would be bad for the country.  This explains his weak performance in the first debate.  That and he probably was not prepared for Romney to flip flop on everything he'd been saying out on the campaign trail.  I don't really think Obama did anything bad it's just that Romney "looked" more energetic.  Unfortunately people vote for how people "look" instead of what they "say" in this country.  Which plays in Romney's favor, a used-car-salesman type who made a living selling, not telling the truth.  It's always easier to be in the position of the underdog, attacking the one in charge than to be the one in charge.  Romney took advantage of that.  At least Obama has Joe Biden on his side, to fire up the Democratic base and piss off the right-wing Paul Ryan groupies.  If the first debate will be remembered for Mitt Romney's Big Bird comment, the VP debate will be remembered for Joe Biden laughing.  I don't blame him for laughing for the two Rs ideas are laughable.  That people are buying into it, is frightening.  The math doesn't add up as this Daily Show episode shows in a clear and funny way.  The question is will this false wizard tell us how he'll do what he promises?  Nope, because that would mean giving people specifics and Mitt doesn't have any.  He wants the voters to trust him.  But how do we trust someone who doesn't really stand for anything.  Mitt flip flops on all the issues and depending on who he is talking to, says what needs to be said only for his campaign to correct him later with a "he didn't really mean that" line.  I'm not saying Obama is perfect and there are things to go after him on, but Romney only focuses on those things that look damning but really don't prove anything.  The attack in Lybia was horrible but every President has had to deal with some attack on foreign soil.  If President I guarantee Mitt will have to investigate one of his own.   What makes me shiver the most is Romney's tough dogma against Iran.  The guy doesn't have a clue about foreign policy so he just stands up there talking about when he is president the rest of the world will do whatever he wants because they will take him serious.  What a joke!  The world takes us serious because we have a Nobel Peace Prize winner for a President and Mrs. Clinton as the Secretary of State.   And as for Health Care, the only thing Romney wants to change about ObamaCare is the name (for remember even though he says Health Care should be determined by the States, he will be in charge of the Federal Government-- what he's saying is he's going to do nothing on Health Care reform.)  So for a summary: the first debate was a win for Romney only because Obama played it safe (which turned out to be a bad move).  Yet Romney still has yet to really stand for anything, except for getting rid of Obama.  That's his platform really, replace Obama with me, please; not because you should but because I want to be president really bad.  Obama will need to go on the offensive in his next debate while at the same time prepare for the fact that Romney knows he will be more aggressive.  I expect Obama to perform better but Romney might still appear the winner simply by the fact he doesn't have to play defense.  The VP debate was a great entertainment between an experienced politician who knows what he's talking about against a boy-wonder of manipulation.   Asked if supporters of Abortion should be worried if Romney takes the Presidency Ryan danced around the issue without really answering it.  Of course supporters of abortion should be worried.  Paul Ryan is good at defusing his own inadequacies and it's only because of this that he didn't fall on his face.  But as debates go Romney/ Ryan = 1.  Obama/ Biden = 1.  Romney Team Grade: C; Obama Team Grade: B+

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