My Grading System

A+ = Masterpiece (I hold back on this one.) / A = Great. / A- = Really Good. / B+ = Good. / B = Decent (Serviceable). / B- = Flawed but okay (For those times there's something redeeming about the work). / C+ = Not very good (Skip it). C = Bad. / C- = Awful. / F = Complete Disaster (I hold back on this one too).

Note on Spoilers: I will try to avoid ruining a story by going into too much detail. But if I wish to include some revealing points to my analysis I will try to remember to add a separate spoiler paragraph.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Human Centipede 2 (2011)

Sometimes once you've started, you might as well continue the journey.  At least that's the only explanation I can give to why I watched this controversial sequel.  Leading up to watching the movie I felt like I was in line to a roller coater you don't want to really go on but your friends are pressing on you to do it and you know if you don't you'll always wonder what it was you missed out on.   In the end I have to admit I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this film (the word "enjoy" being a very relative concept).  In many ways this horrible grotesque torture porn on acid film succeeds.  It's not trying to be The Sixth Sense, or any kind of artistic entertainment.  It's going for the complete gross out, the evil twist to the anus-to-m  mouth cult phenomenon that its predecessor introduced.  I must applaud Tom Six, director and writer, for changing things up and giving us a new take on the idea.  Sure there's lots of horror movie cliches thrown in there but this time they work.  So what's this movie about?  Well, without spoiling too much, it's about a guy named Martin who decides he wants to make his own human centipede, one made out of twelve people.  Unlike the villain in the first film though, Martin is not a doctor, even a butcher would know more about flesh and blood than this guy.   At times you almost have to laugh (okay you don't have to but sometimes the best remedy to being uncomfortable is laughing) and then at the end there's nothing funny to laugh at anymore.  This is not a horror film, it's a gore film and probably the goriest one ever made.  Thankful Mr. Six filmed it in black and white, which is very effective for many reasons.  So how do I rate this kind of film?  I have no idea.  I can't recommend it to anyone unless they love horror movies, especially gory ones.  I don't want to say it's a fun movie because its not.  It's evil and the film makers make decisions that are just morally wrong.  Yet a big part of me respects the reasons for such a disgusting film to be made.  Mr. Six is already planning on going even further (which is hard to imagine) and make a final film.  This time he's not holding back which means the next time we all should be worried.  Grade: B

Spoilers:  I also wanted to add that this film isn't scary.    It's a completely different structured film.  The first one was more of a psychological horror film where the hero of the story is Lindsay (the middle section or victim) and the doctor is the monster.  We care about her, even if she proves to be an idiot, and root for her escape.   In this one it's more like a slasher film in that the monster is the hero and the victims are nobodies that can be easily killed without much sympathy.  Perhaps because the viewer is detached emotionally to the victims its easier to watch their destruction, no matter how shocking.   In some ways its because of this that I get a feeling Mr. Six actually has a crafty objective or moral he's spinning in this soon to be three part freak show.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Guard (2011)

I have to be honest. When I heard about this film by John Michael McDonagh I got him confused with his brother Martin McDonagh who made In Bruges.  It was only afterward that I realized they were two different guys. What a talented duo.  This dark comedy deals with a Irish police chief, named Gerry Boyle, who's across from Archie Bunker and Dirty Harry.  Brenden Gleeson plays the character just right and his chemistry with Don Cheadle, who plays an American FBI agent investigating drug smugglers, is about as perfect an odd couple as you could want.  Grade: A-

Monday, February 27, 2012

10 Most Anticpiated Films of 2012 (Commentary)

Now that the Oscars are over let's look ahead.  You know it'll be a great year for the movies when it's a challenge narrowing down a list to ten.  But here are my picks.

1. The Dark Knight Rises

How is this not the most anticipated film of 2012?  It's the final Batman film directed by           Christopher Nolan, the guy who re-invented the character for generations to come.  And if there's ever a talent capable of breaking the third film curse it's this guy.  I suspect that it'll be just as good as Batman Begins which would be fine with me.   

2. Brave

I'm always excited for Pixar's next film and from just the poster alone I'm ready for another masterpiece from the company that brought us Up, Wall-E and Toy Story. 

3. The Hobbit

If Guilleno Del Torro was directing this prequel to the Lord of the Rings (as originally planned) I would have put this on the top of my list but at least we have Peter Jackson coming back.  What I'm especially excited to see is how Jackson uses 3D, which I can imagine is going to be amazing.  Especially considering they're shooting using the most advance 3D technology.

4. Gravity

Alfonso Curin directs a science fiction film that is being kept a secret.  I'm sold.  This is the guy who gave us Children of Men and the best Harry Potter film in the series.   

5.The Master

A thinly-disguised telling of Ron Hubbard, the guy who dreamed up the Scientology religion, directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, the guy who gave us Boogie Nights and There will Be Blood, staring Philip Seymore Hoffman.  I get tingles just thinking about it.

6. Django Unchained

Quentin Taratino releasing a film is always a reason to get stoked.  This one's a western shot on the same set they used for the television show Deadwood.  Something tells me this is going to be a violent gun-blazing mess.  Oh yeah.

7. Moonrise Kingdom

Wes Anderson is one of my favorite directors because his films are so Wes-Anderson-ish and because you know going in that you'll be treated to a carnival of pleasures. The imagery alone will keep me super-charged and dreaming with quirky characters for months.

8.  Inside Llewyn Davis

The Coen brothers return to making a musical in the same way they did with O Brother Where Art Thou? except this time they're changing the genre from bluegrass Americana to '60s Folk. 

9. Looper

If you've seen Brick or The Brother's Bloom you'll know why I'm super excited to see this third film from Rian Johnson.  This one is a science fiction film about time travel and hit men.  Sign me up.   

10. Cloud Atlas

I had a hard time between this and the Avengers but ended up choosing this for the tenth spot because it's either going to be epic amazing or an awesome failure.  Either way I have to see it. 

Honorable Mentions: The Avengers, The Hunger Games, Prometheus and Men In Black 3

Sunday, February 26, 2012

84th Academy Awards (Commentary)

Billy Crystal was back and while not quite as good as he was in the ‘90s he did do a good job.  The opening sequence was great until the end with all the blue screen silliness and his musical routine was probably his least successful version.  It was nice to get back to the basics though after last year’s perceived debacle.  Personally I hope this was his last hosting job.  I would like to see someone less predictable. 

BEST PICTURE                                                                                   
The Artist                                                                                           

The black and white, silent film won, beating out Martin Scorsese, George Clooney, Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, Brad Pitt, Terrence Malick, Woody Allen, and Alexander Payne.  It won with a principle cast of unknowns telling an original story without CGI special effects or dialogue.   I haven’t been this happy for a film winning since Shakespeare In Love.  Storytelling triumphs.  I was a little worried when Hugo started winning so many of the technical awards but in the end the best took up the coveted prize.

BEST DIRECTOR                                                                                
Michel Hazanavicius -The Artist                                                                

Thank you Michel Hazanavicius for proving that a good story is more important than big names, color or sound.  Story is king and I’m glad they rewarded this French guy for his bravery.  Also it’s wonderfully made too so there’s that.                                     
BEST ACTOR                                                                                      
Jean Dujardin - The Artist                                                                            

The guy who doesn’t say a word wins.  I knew it.  Don’t worry George Clooney fans, he’ll be here again.  Brad Pitt fans, sorry, but your guy keeps talking about retiring so I don’t know.
BEST ACTRESS                                                                                   
Meryl Streep - The Iron Lady                                                                     

I picked this one wrong.  But I can’t be miffed.  Mrs. Streep is the greatest actor on the planet; she’s deserving of the kudos.  I haven’t seen the film yet but I have no doubt she’ll blow me away.   That doesn’t mean I’m not disappointed.  Viola Davis hasn’t won the Oscar yet.  I hope she’ll be back soon.   And although Meryl sounded confident she wouldn’t be up there again, something else me she’s underestimating her chances.                                                                
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR                                                                                          
Christopher Plummer - Beginners                                                                           
Classy and humorous speech, Mr. Plummer.  You deserved it and I’m so glad Beginners can have Oscar Winning film associated with it now. 
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS                                                                                      
Octavia Spencer-  The Help                                                                         

Another one I got right.  Very deserving, I loved her emotional speech, a memorable moment for sure.

BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY                                                                                     
Midnight in Paris -- Woody Allen                                                                                              
I’m so happy that Woody won.  I didn’t think it would happen but it did.  Sure the Artist was very well done but Midnight in Paris just has that extra bit for me.   And I’m not talking about dialogue.                              
BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY                                                                                      
The Descendants -- Alexander Payne and Nat Faxon & Jim Rash                                                                                               

Another one I picked and was happy to see come to pass.  Alexander Payne is so good at adapting these kind of books.  Keep doing it.

BEST ANIMATION FEATURE FILM                                                                                             


I totally underestimated Hugo for the technical awards.   I’m not saying I agree completely (especially for Cinematography where Tree of Life looked amazing) but it is a deserving winner.  I must admit I started to wonder if it was going to take best picture too.                                                             
BEST COSTUME DESIGN                                                                                             
The Artist - Mark Bridges                                                                                             

The Artist deservedly won because of the time period and costuming back and white isn’t exactly easy.

BEST FILM EDITING                                                                                        
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Kirk Baxter and Angus Wall                                                                                      
Not only was I wrong but the one that I liked the least takes home the prize.  I just felt this movie dragged a little for me and since editing is about timing, I just didn’t think it should have won.    

BEST FOREIGN-LANGUAGE FILM                                                                                             
A Separation

I can’t wait to see.  The director’s speech was very moving too.  Something about different cultures coming together because of art seems so good to me.  

BEST MAKEUP                                                                                  
The Iron Lady                                                    
The coolest part about his award was Meryl Streep’s genuine appreciation toward her make-up artist.  

BEST VISUAL EFFECTS                                                                                    

Really?  I didn’t like this one.  Sure Hugo looked good but nowhere near as impressive as the apes in the Rise of the Planet of the Apes or even the epic feel of Harry Potter.   It seems Hugo won this by default because it was winning all the other technical awards.
BEST ORIGINAL SCORE                                                                                  
The Artist - Ludovic Bource                                                                         

The Artist won, deservedly, because it was the pulse of the movie.  Without it we’d have nothing but the audience breathing and eating their popcorn.
BEST ORIGINAL SONG                                                                                   
"Man or Muppet"  from The Muppets -- Music and Lyric by Bret McKenzie                                                          

I can’t wait to hear and see this song soon.         

BEST DOCUMENTARY                                                                                       

I was surprised.  I thought Pina had it in the bag but Undefeated proved just that.
BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT SUBJECT                                                                                   
Saving Face                                                                                        

And for the shorts I got all three right, I impressed myself.  As for the short documentary, why did it win?  It’s the kind of story that pulls heart strings.
BEST ANIMATED SHORT                                                                                               
The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore                                                                                          
I hope I can see this short some time because it looks wonderful.  The two film makers who accepted the award seemed like funky friends I’d love to hang out with. 
BEST LIVE ACTION SHORT                                                                                            
The Shore - Terry George and Oorlagh George                                                                                  

 Cast a big name in your film like Ciarán Hinds and go collect your Oscar, or that’s what it seems happened.   Time Freak and Tuba Atlantic both looked really good though and they’re the two I’d like to see some day. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

2012 Oscar Predictions (Commentary)

Here’s my breakdown of the Oscar nominations with my predictions and those nominees I want to win.

BEST PICTURE                                                                                   
The Artist                                                                                           
The Descendants                                                                                            
Midnight in Paris                                                                                             
The Help
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close                                                                                          
War Horse                                                                                          
The Tree of Life

Nine is such a weird number, oh well.  If we had five nominees (which is the number I wish the Academy had stuck with) then it would have been the top five on this list.  The bottom four are really just hanging around for no reason.   Personally I was disappointed not to see Beginners or Win, Win on this list but it’s too long of a list anyway so I can’t complain about any snubs this year.   The weakest ones are War Horse and Tree of Life.

Predictions: The Artist
It’s a close one.  But this clever crowd pleaser just edges out The Descendants and Midnight In Paris.   It should win and it will.  In my view only The Help could beat it, which would be okay, but I hoping for the silent Film to take it.    

BEST DIRECTOR                                                                                
Michel Hazanavicius -The Artist                                                                
Alexander Payne - The Descendants                                                                      
Martin Scorsese   - Hugo                                                                 
Woody Allen - Midnight In Paris                                                                               
Terrence Malick - The Tree of Life

If we were back during the Five Nomination days for Best Picture we’d be talking about how The Help’s director got snubbed.  He wasn’t and nobody was this year. 

Predictions: Michel Hazanavicius
For me this is a race between Hazanavicius and Payne but I think in the Academy’s eyes it’s between Scorsese and Hazanazvicius.  I’m going with the new guy only because Scorsese already won.  Plus I just think directing a silent film deserves the recognition.                                                                           
BEST ACTOR                                                                                      
Demian Bichir -  A Better Life                                                                      
George Clooney - The Descendants                                                                       
Jean Dujardin - The Artist                                                                            
Gary Oldman -Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy                                                                  
Brad Pitt - Moneyball    

Although I haven’t seen Shame, I feel that Fassingberg’s performance probably was the best this year, but he’s not even nominated which is a huge Snub.  He should win but won’t.  The five here are all deserving and it’s a tight race.

Predictions: Jean Dujardin
He will win and should.   George Clooney and Gary Oldman have to be next in line with Brad Pitt as the weaker of the five.  Demian Bichir was amazing but I doubt enough voters watched his film.                                                                                                                                               

BEST ACTRESS                                                                                   
Glenn Close - Albert Nobbs                                                                        
Viola Davis - The Help                                                                    
Rooney Mara - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo                                                                
Meryl Streep - The Iron Lady                                                                     
Michelle Williams - My Week With Marilyn          

I’ve only seen two of the above performances so it’s hard to gauge who deserves it and who out there deserves it.  I’ve heard nothing but praise from Twilda Swinton for Let’s Talk About Kevin but again I’ve not seen it. 

Predictions: Viola Davis
I have a strong feeling that Viola Davis is taking the stage Sunday night.  Meryl Streep hasn’t won in a while but she still has won so I think the Academy is going to give it to the actress in the better film.  Rooney Mara was good but nowhere near as emotionally rich as Viola Davis.                                                              
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR                                                                                      
Kenneth Branagh - My Week With Marilyn                                                                         
Jonah Hill - Moneyball                                                                   
Nick Nolte - Warrior                                                                       
Christopher Plummer - Beginners                                                                           
Max von Sydow   - Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close                                                      

I’ve seen four and all of them are worthy.  Many are talking about Albert Brooks being Snubbed for Drive and he probably was, but of the four I don’t know which I’d toss out. 

Prediction: Christopher Plummer
Beginners has to get an Oscar and here’s the place it can get it.  It’s a fine performance too, from one of the greats.       
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS                                                                                      
Berenice Bejo - The Artist                                                                           
Jessica Chastain - The Help                                                                         
Melissa McCarthy - Bridesmaids                                                                               
Octavia Spencer-  The Help                                                                         
Janet McTeer -  Albert Nobbs    

All the ladies deserve the win but there can be only one.   This year the Academy got this one right.

Predictions: Octavia Spencer
I believe she will win.  As stated above it’s hard to say who should win when they all deserve it so I’ll be happy whoever actually takes the prize.                                                               
BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY                                                                                     
The Artist -- Michel Hazanavicius                                                                                              
Bridesmaids -- Annie Mumolo & Kristen Wiig                                                                                     
Margin Call --  J.C. Chandor                                                                                         
Midnight in Paris -- Woody Allen                                                                                              
A Separation -- Asghar Farhadi                  

Where’s Win, Win and Beginners?  Oh well, these five will do.   Bridesmaids is an excellent script but in my mind not really Oscar worthy.  A Separation is the only one I’ve not seen but from what I know of it probably deserves the spot.

Predictions: The Artist
The Artist is a great screenplay and it will win.  But if I were voting I’d give it to Woody Allen.  Midnight in Paris is the best screenplay on this list and I’d love to see the legend pickup another golden boy.                              
BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY                                                                                      
The Descendants -- Alexander Payne and Nat Faxon & Jim Nash                                                                                               
Hugo -- John Logan                                                                                        
The Ides of March -- George Clooney & Grant Heslov and Beau Willimon                                                                              
Moneyball-- Steven Zaillian and Aaron Sorkin Story by Stan Chervin                                                                        
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy -- Bridget O'Connor & Peter Straughan                                                                                
Thank the Movie Award Gods for not nominating the weak adaptation of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (although Mr. Zaillian doesn’t care since he’s nominated anyway).  Really all of these on this list deserve to be here.  I was curious that The Help didn’t get a spot but I don’t know which one of the five I’d knock off.

Predictions: The Descendants
This one is easy.  The Descendants is so good at doing what is so hard: voice-over and exposition.   What a rich and beautiful screenplay.  It won’t even be close.

BEST ANIMATED FEATURE FILM                                                                                        
A Cat in Paris                                                                                     
Chico & Rita                                                                                       
Kung Fu Panda 2                                                                                              
Puss in Boots                                                                                    

I’ve seen three of the five.  I was surprised that Rio didn’t get in there, but I’m sure A Cat In Paris and Chico & Rita are deserving.

Predictions: Rango
The only competition here is with Puss In Boots but I don’t really see that happening.  Rango should win and it will. 
BEST ART DIRECTION                                                                                     
The Artist                                                           
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2                                                                                       
Midnight in Paris                                                                                             
War Horse

The technical awards are hard this year.  All the nominees deserve a spot so I won’t even try to think of a snub or two. 

Predictions: The Artist
Here’s my plan, since I think The Artist will win Best Picture I think it will win some of the technical awards.  Plus recreating ‘20s Hollywood as well as they did is an accomplishment.  If I were voting I’d give it to Hugo.                                                                       
BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY                                                                                             
The Artist-- Guillaume Schiffman                                                                                             
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Jeff Cronenweth                                                                                         
Hugo - Robert Richardson                                                                                           
The Tree of Life - Emmanuel Lubezki                                                                                      
War Horse - Janusz Kaminski

Will they give it to a black and white film?  Will Kaminski win without Spielberg as a nominee for director?   All five are deserving.

Predictions: The Tree of Life
For me it’s an easy choice.  The best thing about the Tree of Life was its cinematography, which is breathtaking all the way through.  It should win but will it?  I think so.   Hugo or War Horse could upstage the Malick poem . . . I mean film.                                                                                            
BEST COSTUME DESIGIN                                                                                            
Anonymous - Lisy Christl                                                                                              
The Artist - Mark Bridges                                                                                             
Hugo - Sandy Powell                                                                                      
Jane Eyre - Michael O'Connor                                                                                    
W.E. - Arianne Phillips                                                                                   

This one is hard because I’ve only seen two of the films.   I like all the choices through and I’m glad to see a few new names.

Predictions: The Artist
This one is hard.  I can see Sandy Powell winning because her work in Hugo is very strong but I think the Artist’s ‘20s fashion will take the prize.                                                          
BEST EDITING                                                                                        
The Artist - Anne-Sophie Bion and Michel Hazanavicius                                                                                 
The Descendants - Kevin Tent                                                                                   
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Kirk Baxter and Angus Wall                                                                                      
Hugo - Thelma Schoonmaker                                                                                     
Moneyball - Christopher Tellefsen

The big snub here is that a documentary didn’t get nominated.  Why is that?  Documentaries never get nominated for this award but it’s so important for that kind of filmmaking.  That’s a big snub and I can think of five documentaries that should have a spot here.  At least the jumbled mess known as The Tree of Life wasn’t nominated.  But I would have enjoyed seeing Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close take the spot that The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo grabbed.

Prediction:  The Artist
’m going with the eventual winner of Best Picture since history shows that the winner of Editing goes on to wn Best Picture a lot of the time.  But Moneyball deserves the award in my mind.                                           
BEST FOREIGN-LANGUAGE FILM                                                                                            
In Darkness                                                                       
Monsieur Lazhar                                                             
A Separation

I’ve seen none of them so I can’t really write about these seemingly wonderful films.  

Predictions:  A Separation
Since this is the one that’s one so many critics top ten lists I think it’ll pickup the most votes.                                                      
BEST MAKEUP                                                                                  
Albert Nobbs                                                                                    
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part
The Iron Lady                                                    

Best Makeup is a weird category.  It’s never more than three nominees and they always range from big fantastic things and aging. 

Predictions:  The Iron Lady.  
I just have a feeling about this one.   Sorry Potter you’re not winning Sunday.

BEST SOUND EDITING                                                                                   
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo                                                                                               
Transformers: Dark of the Moon                                                                                             
War Horse                                                          

Predictions:  War Horse
War movie?  Okay that’s my choice. 
BEST SOUND MIXING                                                                                    
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo                                                                                               
Transformers: Dark of the Moon                                                                                             
War Horse                                                          

Predictions: War Horse
Same reasoning as before.         
BEST VISUAL EFFECTS                                                                                    
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part
Real Steel                                                                                           
Rise of the Planet of the                                                                                              
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Five nominees?  Wow, I remember when there was only three.   I wish there was only four so Transformers wouldn’t be there.

Predictions: Rise of the Planet of the Apes
It will be close but the Ape movie will beat the Wizard one by just a hair.  I’d be surprised if Hugo or Real Steel won.  I’m just trying to pretend Transformers doesn’t exist.                                                                                                                                                                                 

BEST ORIGINAL SCORE                                                                                  
The Adventures of Tintin - John Williams                                                                              
The Artist - Ludovic Bource                                                                         
Hugo  - Howard Shore                                                   
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy  - Alberto Iglesias                                                                             
War Horse - John Williams                                                                           

John Williams gets a double nomination.  Will he win on his 80th Birthday?  I don’t really think it’s going to happen but I’m sure he’s used to it.

Predictions: The Artist
Since music is so important for The Artist, I think it will win.  Only Hugo can beat it.  Still I think it will and should.
BEST ORIGINAL SONG                                                                                   
"Man or Muppet"  from The Muppets -- Music and Lyric by Bret McKenzie                                                          
"Real in Rio" from Rio -- Music by Sergio Mendes and Carlinhos Brown Lyric by Siedah Garrett    

I don’t know what’s more stupid: that there are only two songs nominated or that there’s not five songs to pick from.  Why Academy do you have to have such stupid rules?   If you look at the Golden Globes you’ll find five songs worthy of a nominations.

Predictions: The Muppets
It will and it should.   Rio is a close second.           

BEST DOCUMENTRY                                                                                       
Hell and Back Again -- Danfung Dennis and Mike Lerner                                                                                
If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front -- Marshall Curry and Sam Cullman                                   
Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory -- Charles Ferguson and Audrey Marrs                                                                             
Pina -- Wim Wenders and Gian-Piero Ringel                                                                                       
Undefeated -- TJ Martin, Dan Lindsay and Richard Middlemas                                                                                   

I’ve seen three of the nominated films and can think of three others that were Snubbed.   Poor Steve James, the director of Hoop Dreams gets ignored once again for his praised documentary The Interrupters.  Werner Herzog can’t pick up a nomination either.

Predictions: Pina
It will win and I think it should win.   A close second would be Paradise Lost 3 for a way to reward the filmmakers for pursuing justice.  

Someday the Academy will find a way to get these shorts out there for us average-joes to watch, but until then we have to read synopsis and/or view trailers on youTube.  
BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT SUBJECT                                                                                   
The Barber of Birmingham: Foot Soldier of the Civil Rights Movement                                                                    
God Is the Bigger Elvis                                                                   
Incident in New Baghdad                                                                            
Saving Face                                                                                        
The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom                                                                                    

Predictions: Saving Face
The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom could win too but I think Saving Face has a topic that will pull at the voter’s heart strings.
BEST ANIMATED SHORT                                                                                               
The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore                                                                                          
La Luna                                                                
A Morning Stroll
Wild Life                                                                                              

Predictions: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
Unless the voters want Pixer to get something this year I don’t see this one loosing.
BEST LIVE ACTION SHORT                                                                                            
Pentecost - Peter McDonald and Eimear O'Kane                                                                                              
Raju - Max Zähle and Stefan Gieren                                                                                       
The Shore - Terry George and Oorlagh George                                                                                  
Time Freak - Andrew Bowler and Gigi Causey                                                                                    
Tuba Atlantic - Hallvar Witzø                                                                                       

Predictions: The Shore
This one is hard because I really like the ideas behind Time Freak and Tuba Atlantic.   Yet the pedigree coming from The Shore is hard to ignore.  Plus Ciarán Hinds is in it.