My Grading System

A+ = Masterpiece (I hold back on this one.) / A = Great. / A- = Really Good. / B+ = Good. / B = Decent (Serviceable). / B- = Flawed but okay (For those times there's something redeeming about the work). / C+ = Not very good (Skip it). C = Bad. / C- = Awful. / F = Complete Disaster (I hold back on this one too).

Note on Spoilers: I will try to avoid ruining a story by going into too much detail. But if I wish to include some revealing points to my analysis I will try to remember to add a separate spoiler paragraph.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Republican National Convention (Commentary)

The 2012 Republican Convention is over and obviously their nominee is Mr. Mitt Romney.   I must admit right from the start I didn't really watch it.  I heard sound bites and read transcripts.  Do these conventions even matter anymore?  The Republicans certainly don't believe so or maybe they would have tried a little harder to sell us their choice for President instead of bashing the current man in charge.  Ah, but that's politics for you.  I plan to write more blogs about the upcoming election but I'm not really that good of a writer to remain unbiased.   While a registered Independent, I can't really imagine ever voting for a Republican, or at least a Republican in today's current mode.   I have some problems with the Democrats too but at least they have a realistic understanding of the challenges ahead.  The Republicans seem stuck in the past, still drinking the Kool-aide of trickle down economics and small government/ big business.  They complain that Obama isn't doing enough to create jobs but they want government out of the picture to do such a thing.   If Romney were to become President how is he going to do this impossible task?  I guess, he would just get out of the way and do nothing-- his faith that free markets alone will solve all our problems.  Because that worked so well before.  The one smart tactic the Republicans used was to never mention the last guy they put in the Oval Office.  Has this ever happened before when a political party doesn't invite a former President to give his approval?  I'll try to give you my take on all the main speeches; and I say try because they were so geared to their party I don't know how to take any of them seriously.  Ann Romney's sappy speech at least created a more positive picture of her husband than the super rich white guy who believes corporations are people.  It was the emotional, vote-for-my-husband-because- he's-a-good-man speech that is pretty pointless.  Mark Rubio's tone was a bit condescending.   I'm a little tired of politicians spouting a history lesson about their parents and how hard they worked to get where they are.   Who cares?   Get to the facts, tell me what Mitt Romney is going to do when he becomes President.   Oh, but you don't know because you're only speaking today to help get money for your next campaign.  John McCain just wants to go to war, completely ignoring the fact that war costs lots of money (and human life).   His delusion that America has lost its footing as a global leader ignores Hilliary Clinton's great work as Secretary of State.   Thank god he's not our President or we'd be in the middle of WWIII.  Then there's Paul Ryan.  Perhaps Romney should have selected Pinocchio as his running mate, at least Pinocchio is a liar we can find adorable.  Talk about misrepresenting the facts, I doubt even his favorite author Ayn Rand would have composed a better fiction.   Then there's Mitt, giving the speech of his life.  I really tried to watch it but it was so red-white-and-blah.  Yes, America is a proud great country and we work so hard.  Sure, try and convince me that Obama is doing a bad job, I don't buy it, but try again, and tell me how wonderful your family is, don't forget that.  Yes, you're a Mormon, who cares, your religion is irrelevant to me.  Did Mitt give us any big details on what he will do as President, besides knocking down a Health Care Law that might actually help people?  Nope.  In the end the biggest problem I had with this convention was the lack of ideas and substance.  I'm sure the Democratic convention will be no different, trust me, but if you're trying to take my vote away from the guy I voted for last time, you better explain why you're a better fit for this country.  So far Mitt Romney hasn't done anything to convince me to jump ship.  Yet we still have two months to see if he can.  Grade: C. 

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