My Grading System

A+ = Masterpiece (I hold back on this one.) / A = Great. / A- = Really Good. / B+ = Good. / B = Decent (Serviceable). / B- = Flawed but okay (For those times there's something redeeming about the work). / C+ = Not very good (Skip it). C = Bad. / C- = Awful. / F = Complete Disaster (I hold back on this one too).

Note on Spoilers: I will try to avoid ruining a story by going into too much detail. But if I wish to include some revealing points to my analysis I will try to remember to add a separate spoiler paragraph.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

20 Most Anticipated Films of 2013

Last year I picked 10 but I'm going to double it up.  I'm too lazy to attempt to cut it down when all of these look promising.  Let's hope they actually come out this year instead of make next year's list.

1. Star Trek In Darkness

The first three on the list could all be number one but I’m going to start off with the next Star Trek film because it’s J.J. Abrams (the future director of Star Wars VII) and I really want to see the cast from the first film return.   If the preview I saw is any indicator this one is going to be fun. 

2. Man of Steel

Is this going to be the Superman film we deserved to see instead of Bryan Singer’s horrible attempt or is Zack Snyder going to slow-mo us into a stylized funk?  I’m not sure but with Mr. Nolan involved and with the positive buzz the previews are getting I’m super excited. 

3. Iron Man 3

Marvel’s version of the Batman character has an opportunity to really move into a new direction.  I’m looking forward to see what Shane Black will do and something tells me Tony Stark isn’t going to be the same man after this adventure.  

4. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Unlike the first of this new series, this one isn’t going to start off slow.  All the set up is done, now we have pure adventure and a battle with a dragon.  I can’t wait!

5. Gravity

Alfonso Carson has been working on this one for awhile.  In fact it was on last year's most anticipated list and yet I'm still excited.  It could be a disaster but something tells me it’s going to be a big Science Fiction film worth seeing.

6. Monster University

Pixar makes a sequel we actually want to see.   While maybe not as rich and dramatic as some of their other entries, this time these genius animators are going to for the laugh.   They’ve proven to be excellent at creating quality comedies before and I highly doubt they’ll fail this time around.

7. Elysium

District 9 was such a breath of fresh air.  Although it was overshadowed by another big science fiction that year, you know the one with giant blue people, it still stands as one of the best science fiction films made in the last ten years.   Now Neil Bompkiskt returns with another original script starting Matt Damon and I expect another quality film. 

8. Her

Guy falls in love with his smartphone.  This might be like Simone (the Al Pacino film) but this one is directed and written by Spike Jonze.   I’m pretty much guaranteed to be in line for this one.

9. Pacific Rim

Guillamino Del Torro hasn’t made a film in some time (thanks to MGM for delaying The Hobbit so he had to bail after spending so much time in New Zealand) and now that he has I am ready for something fun and spectactular.    Plus this one has Giant Robots.   You gotta love that. 

10. Hunger Games

The Sequel to the Hunger Games starting new Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence should be pretty intense if it’s anything like Suzanne Collins book.  I wish Gary Ross were returning to direct and DIRECTOR isn’t one of my favorites but I’ll give him a chance.  

11. Ender’s Game

One of the greatest science fiction novels of all time finally comes to the big screen.  I’m a little nervous about this one only because I love the book so much and it would be so easy for director Gavin Hood to screw it up, at the same time it’s an engaging story with so much promise I have to see it.  I’ll be crossing my fingers. 

12. Anchorman: The Legend Continues

Can the Will Ferrell and the News Team return and pull off a comedy lightening strike or will this be a overwhelming attempt to adlib us to death with one failed joke after another (like some of Director’s other Ferrell collabations).   I’m hoping for a laugh riot that lives up to the first, something I’d want to buy on DVD.  

13. Inside Llewyn Davis

Another one from last year's list. The Coen Brothers return with a music-themed film set during the sixties and deals with Folk music.   I love the writer/directors and love Folk music.   It’s either going to be great or good.  I don’t see a bad movie being made with this combination.

14. Before Midnight

I’m nervous about this one because I felt the last one ended perfectly and I’m worried these three creative collaborators are going to mess up what is a beautiful love story.   At the same time I’m really looking forward to see where these two characters are now and I’m going to have to see it. 

15. Much Ado About Nothing

Joss Wheadon’s school of actors come together to make a Shakespeare movie because they have a passion to do it.  That alone means this is going to be special.  It might be a private experiment amongst friends but I’ll see it.  I doubt it’ll be better than Kenneth Braughen’s version but who says you can’t have two great film adaptions of the great Bard.   It worked for Hamlet. 

16. Oblivion

As you can see by my list I’m nuts for science fiction and this one looks good.  I’m also a fan of Tom Cruise, even if he’s just playing the same heroic version of himself.   I doubt it will be amazing but I think it’s going to be fun and that’s fine with me.   

17. The Great Gatsby

I’m not really a fan of the book; it was forced upon me in High School and it bored me to death.   But with a visual stylist like DIRECTOR and an impressive cast this one is a must-see.   Doubt very much it will be boring.  It might be a tad bit melodramatic but I’ll go with it. 

18. Captain Phillips

Tom Hanks and Greengrass make a film about real-life modern pirates.   It’s probably not going to be as emotionally dramatic as United 93 but it will be as intense and grueling.   Finally a movie with Tom Hanks that doesn’t seem like an odd choice for the actor.  

19. The World’s End

The trio who gave us Shawn of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.  Do I need to say anymore?  I didn’t think so.

20. The Zero Theorem

I miss Terry Gilliam and I want so bad for him to have a great hit that I’ll see this one no matter what.   How is it a director as visually brilliant and bold isn’t hired more?  Oh, I know, because he’s too bold and too amazingly different it’s impossible to get him to conform to most producers imaginations.   Can you imagine if this guy was given free reins on a project like Pirates of the Caribbean or a fairy tale film like Alice in Wonderland or Cinderella?  

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