My Grading System

A+ = Masterpiece (I hold back on this one.) / A = Great. / A- = Really Good. / B+ = Good. / B = Decent (Serviceable). / B- = Flawed but okay (For those times there's something redeeming about the work). / C+ = Not very good (Skip it). C = Bad. / C- = Awful. / F = Complete Disaster (I hold back on this one too).

Note on Spoilers: I will try to avoid ruining a story by going into too much detail. But if I wish to include some revealing points to my analysis I will try to remember to add a separate spoiler paragraph.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dear Netflix

As a loyal member and supporter of your service I'd like to take up this time to make a few suggestions.  

1. Create a Suggestion box.  I know that you'd probably get a million suggestions a day, but how else are you going to get feed back from your customers?  I once called to make a suggestion and the customer service representative (very nice by they way) simply told me she had no way of noting a problem or error.  For example I found out that they had the wrong aspect ratio listed for a movie.  The only way to make this clear is by reviewing the film. 

2. Improve Browsing and Searching.  I can imagine it's a very difficult task to present so many movies in a clear and fun way.  You do a really great job.  But you haven't changed much.  It's time to give us more tools to find movies we might want to see.  How about instead of just grouping films by genre you try by year or decade?   I can't tell you how many times I'm in the mood for an '80s film or a '30s musical only to spend ten minutes looking through various genres trying to find the film I'm in the mood for.  Or what about country origin instead of just Foreign?  Foreign is way too broad.  Sometimes I know I want to see a Japanese movie but I have to scroll through every other country first.   Also why is it that I look for a movie in a sub-genre and can't find it, only to find out that it is listed as being part of that sub-genre?  Is there a limit to how many films you can show per category?  Fix that too.

3. Make it Multiple User Friendly.   Both my wife and I stream movies but only I'm allowed to rate movies because I want the rating to represent my views (since I watch more than she does).  My wife is fine with that but sometimes she misses out on movies that I've seen but she hasn't.  I know there's a check box that allows her to see all of the films listed under a certain genre regardless if it has been rated or not but it would be much clearer if for every genre there was a section called See Again (like on the first page of the Watch Instantly tab).  That way she could see what I've seen.   Also it would be nice if one could set up two rating systems per account.   Maybe a different log in that shows the same queue.  This could get confusing, but there's got to be away.   There's no way my wife is going to pay for another account. 

4.   Bring back the "Add to DVD queue" feature from Streaming Devices.  I know Netflix is aware of the anger they stirred when they removed this feature from their streaming devices but I've already run into two people directly effected by this change and are considering quiting their subscriptions.  In a time where Apple and Amazon are on the verge of becoming competitors this is not the time to chase customers away.  This was a very useful tool that allowed one to be connected to their account from any device, taking that away means forcing them to get on a computer.  That's taking a step backward, especially when the traditional concept of a PC is changing.

5. Expiration dates.  Thankful there's the independent website to help with this but it would be so nice if you didn't have to go to another website to see when a film would be removed from the Streaming option. (Yes, I'm aware that a date appears when it gets near to leaving but that's not good enough.  Have it pop up as it is loading up.)  Even a meter saying how many days are left would be nice; example: 21 days until expiring.  I was so annoyed when I started a film one day and tried to finish the next only to learn that it expired.

So that's yet for now.  Regardless of Netflix's flaws, it's a movie lover's paradise.  But I'd hate to see it get crushed by some inferior site simply because it refused to improve and adjust to future concerns.

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