My Grading System

A+ = Masterpiece (I hold back on this one.) / A = Great. / A- = Really Good. / B+ = Good. / B = Decent (Serviceable). / B- = Flawed but okay (For those times there's something redeeming about the work). / C+ = Not very good (Skip it). C = Bad. / C- = Awful. / F = Complete Disaster (I hold back on this one too).

Note on Spoilers: I will try to avoid ruining a story by going into too much detail. But if I wish to include some revealing points to my analysis I will try to remember to add a separate spoiler paragraph.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Match Factory Girl (1988)

Aki Kaurismäki's last film of his trilogy is a story about a simple young woman with strict parents and a love interest that doesn't love her back.  A much darker story, it's still funny and poignant like the other two films with an ending that is just as satisfying a reward.  It's easy to dismiss this kind of a film as simple, but like the main character that would be a mistake.  Grade: A- 

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