My Grading System

A+ = Masterpiece (I hold back on this one.) / A = Great. / A- = Really Good. / B+ = Good. / B = Decent (Serviceable). / B- = Flawed but okay (For those times there's something redeeming about the work). / C+ = Not very good (Skip it). C = Bad. / C- = Awful. / F = Complete Disaster (I hold back on this one too).

Note on Spoilers: I will try to avoid ruining a story by going into too much detail. But if I wish to include some revealing points to my analysis I will try to remember to add a separate spoiler paragraph.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Scorcer's Apprentice (2010)

Nichols Cage and director Jon Turteltaub reunite after National Treasure to make this fantasy film about the three apprentices of Merlin and their battle to save the world.  Jay Baruchel plays the next apprentice in Merlin's line.  Nichols Cage must train him so together they can prevent Alfred Molina from bringing back Merlin's nemesis Morgana.   The jokes mostly work and the special effects are what one would expect, very good but not Academy award good.  I had fun watching this brainless entertainment but certainly had to lower my IQ to ignore the obvious formula created weaknesses.  The best example of this is the fact that Baruchel's love story takes priority over saving the world from destruction.  Really?  Morgana's coming and Jay's more concerned about impressing some girl?  Grade: B.

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