My Grading System

A+ = Masterpiece (I hold back on this one.) / A = Great. / A- = Really Good. / B+ = Good. / B = Decent (Serviceable). / B- = Flawed but okay (For those times there's something redeeming about the work). / C+ = Not very good (Skip it). C = Bad. / C- = Awful. / F = Complete Disaster (I hold back on this one too).

Note on Spoilers: I will try to avoid ruining a story by going into too much detail. But if I wish to include some revealing points to my analysis I will try to remember to add a separate spoiler paragraph.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Dexter (Season 5)

It's difficult to review a television show like this because by just setting up the story I'm ruining what happened in previous seasons.  So I'll just say this is another great season in the chronicles of Dexter, serial killer who kills killers.   New faces add to the fun and returning faces keep the story thriving.  I wouldn't say this is as good as Seasons 2 and 4 but it's equally as good as Season 3.  Grade: A-

Spoilers:  At first I didn't know if I was liking where they were going with Dexter's story; having Rita's kids live with their Grandparents seemed a convenient plot device.   But what impressed me the most was how they effortlessly spun the story in a new direction, with Dexter saving a victim, played decently by Julia Stiles, and getting him to work with a partner.  God, I love this show but I admit it's getting harder to watch knowing that Dexter's world will someday collapse around him.   

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