My Grading System

A+ = Masterpiece (I hold back on this one.) / A = Great. / A- = Really Good. / B+ = Good. / B = Decent (Serviceable). / B- = Flawed but okay (For those times there's something redeeming about the work). / C+ = Not very good (Skip it). C = Bad. / C- = Awful. / F = Complete Disaster (I hold back on this one too).

Note on Spoilers: I will try to avoid ruining a story by going into too much detail. But if I wish to include some revealing points to my analysis I will try to remember to add a separate spoiler paragraph.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Force Strikes Back (Commentary)

Two years from today Star Wars Episode 7 will be released. Do you hear that? That loud yippee heard from around the world? That was me. I wouldn’t call me a Super Star Wars fan but I’m certainly a fan. The Star Wars films have captivated me my entire life (mostly in a good way) and to know more from this incredible universe will come to us via Disney makes the little kid in me cry with joy. That’s not to say I’m not nervous, I am. Below is a list of worries and hopes for what the talented J.J. Abrams will deliver to us.

Hope #1: A good story.

Story is king and I really hope that this next trilogy (or series of trilogies) continues the saga in a glorious way. Hopefully they just don't recycle the same formula.

Worry #1: Bad “modern” film techniques

I really hope J.J. Abram doesn’t give us tons of annoying light flares, or shaky camera motions like a Bourne Identity movie. Please, sir, keep with the flavor and visual scope of the old films. That’s kind of what makes Star Wars so incredible. And especially, please, I beg you, don’t use any slow-motion. That will completely take me out of the experience. **Note: this includes the music. Bring John Williams back or mimic his style. I love Hans Zimmer but I don’t want him anywhere near these films.

Hope #2: The Original Cast is Back

Luke, Leia and Han Solo are back. Let’s pray that they’re used properly instead of turning in cameos or give farewell performances that are insignificant to the moving plot.

Worry #2: Ignoring the Prequels

Let me make this clear, while the Prequels were not that good, they should not be ignored. I’m not saying Jar Jar Binks should pop up but Lucas Films can’t act like the events in those movies didn’t happen. That would ruin the continuity. Yes, I know some would love to pretend that none of that history happened but it did. Continuity is important.

Hope #3: Amazing Special Effects

For me Star Wars should be the Gold Standard of special effects and I hope J.J. Abrams continues that tradition. Certainly I hope they use a combination of practical and digital effects but in the end I want this film to win the best Oscar for Visual Effects. Let ILM return to their glory. If this looks like Transformers or other less than stellar work from them than I’ll be greatly disappointed.

Worry #3: No tributes please.

J.J. Abram has shown with his Star Trek films and even his Spielberg clone Super 8 that he loves to wink-wink like a fanboy and pay homage to the older films. Don't do this. It's distracting and just reminds us of the past instead of moving forward. There’s no reason to do it. It just makes you look like a douche.

Hope #4: Expanding the Universe even more

I’m so excited to see what new stories and characters we’re going to see. There really are so many areas of exploration the film makers can go. The spaceships can look different, the aliens more exotic and the technologies more fantastic. And if the additions have purpose that continue the story in a logical way, I’ll love it.

Worry #4: Hype

Here’s what I’m worried about: the entire world will be so excited for this movie that they’ll go see it with impossible expectations and will be disappointed. Look, all of us need to calm down and understand that this film doesn’t have to be a masterpiece. I just want a well-made entertaining film without any cheesy moments. It doesn’t have to be better than the originals. Sure, I think everyone expects a better film than Phantom Menace but I wouldn’t even mind if it’s just a bit better than Revenge of the Sith (which is actually a pretty decent film minus Vader’s “Nooo!”) Give me a B+ film with amazing special effects and a good story and I’ll be sighing with relief.

Hope #5: Bring the Magic back for Everyone

While the Prequels were enjoyed by the younger crowds, many adults hated them. Not everyone but pretty much everyone. Now with new blood I’m really hopeful that a new string of timeless classics for everyone, young and old, emerge to inspire and entertain, like the original three films did in the early days of blockbusters. At the same time, I hope they’re not too dark because

Worry #5: Overload

Disney plans to have a Star Wars film open every year. That's exciting but also hints at a concern I have about the future of Star Wars. I like that Star Wars is a rare cinematic event. I don't want it to become the norm. I’m really worried about Star Wars burnout. I can only hope that if Disney plans to assault us with so many films they’re able to keep them at the same high caliber. If they splinter the brand off into lesser genres and craft a lot of mediocre films I will be greatly annoy

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