My Grading System

A+ = Masterpiece (I hold back on this one.) / A = Great. / A- = Really Good. / B+ = Good. / B = Decent (Serviceable). / B- = Flawed but okay (For those times there's something redeeming about the work). / C+ = Not very good (Skip it). C = Bad. / C- = Awful. / F = Complete Disaster (I hold back on this one too).

Note on Spoilers: I will try to avoid ruining a story by going into too much detail. But if I wish to include some revealing points to my analysis I will try to remember to add a separate spoiler paragraph.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Top Ten Best Films of 2013 (Commentary)

5 Notable Mentions: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, Captain Phillips, Prisoners, Much Ado About Nothing, and Upstream Color

10. Frozen

9. The Place Beyond the Pines

8. Frances Ha

7. Before Midnight

6. Fruitvale Station

5. Wolf of Wall Street

4. About Time

3. Gravity

2. Her

1. 12 Years a Slave

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Justice League Dark; Vol. 2 The Books of Magic by Jeff Lemire (Comic)

Mr. Lemire takes the reins from Peter Milligan and crafts a very entertaining comic. Vampires are ravaging the Earth and only the Justice League Dark can save them. Constantine becomes the group’s center and Zatanna his love interest. I don’t read a lot of team superhero comics but I liked this one a lot. Sure many of the side characters are shoved aside but it’s practical when trying to orchestrate a complex narrative in such a compact style. I’m certainly going to keep reading this series, especially if Constantine is the leader. Grade: B+

Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Sandman: Doll House by Neil Gaiman (Comic)

The second volume in Gaiman’s legendary comic is a must-read for anyone who treasures great storytelling. This one deals with Rose Walker, a dream vortex, and Dream’s duty to find her. Rose in turn is in search of her younger brother, Jed, who was taken prisoner by two escapees from the Dream Realm. There’s also the Corinthian, another escapee who has become a serial killer and an inspiration to other murderers. There are many wonderful characters and surprises in this book. My favorite tale is about Hob Gadling, a man that Dream granted eternal life and through history we get to see what Hob does with this gift. With only two volumes I can see why this series is considered one of the greatest ever (not that I had any doubts). And to think I have so many more volumes to look forward to. Yeah for not devouring these when I was younger because now I can really appreciate them. Grade: A


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Santa Claus: To Tell or Not Tell (Commentary)

This is my first Christmas as a father.  I don't have any list this year.  What I do have is a question?  Is is wrong to lie to your child about Santa Claus?  He's too young right now but in a few years do I tell him the fantasy as truth and watch when he's five or six or seven years old and he comes to the realization that it was all a prank?  I'm not so cynical as to see the fun in Santa Claus.  There are many positive reasons to make a child believe in something magical.  It's just that someday I'll have to attempt to teach him that the magic he believes in is in him and it's a "real" magic of goodwill and celebration.  Yet isn't it a lie?  I'd rather have a relationship with my son where I'm 100% honest with him so he in return will be that honest with me.  Would I be depriving him of something festive if I tell him that, "Hey, the big red guy isn't real but he's an awesome character to inspire us."  I have some time to think about it.  I'm leaning toward just doing the traditional con but it feel so silly.  Who came up with this tradition anyway? 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan (Novel) [Revisited]

The sixth book in the Wheel of Time continues to entertain and surprise. I really enjoyed this one. Rand holds the Lion Throne until Mat can find Elayne Trakand and bring her back to Caemlyn to become Queen. Meanwhile representatives from both divisions of the White Tower, the rebels and those serving Elaida, meet with Rand in hope of controlling him. Elayne and Nynaeve learn of a magical bowl that can take back the weather from the Dark One and restore it to normal. Perrin, pulled toward Rand, leaves Emond’s Field to assist his friend. But the turn in the book that’s quite brilliant is when Rand uses the false Dragon Mazrim Taim to create an army of men who can channel it’s a bold move and potentially dangerous. Again the narrative momentum in this series is strong as each character continues growing and new elements arise to challenge them. The climactic battle at the end is the most rewarding and violent of the series (so far). The suspense in the last section really is intense and very satisfying. Grade: A

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Star Wars Forever (Commentary)

Star Wars The Force Awakens is only one year away.  It'll be a long wait but before we know it the next episode of the saga of sagas will be upon us.  To think after this we'll experience a Star Wars film a year.  Rian Johnson will follow up with Episode Eight, that's right the guy behind Brick and Looper.  Who ever made that call knows what they're doing.  Was it Kathleen Kennedy?  Probably.  She has always impressed me (except for that really bad adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender which we'll pretend didn't happen) and I have faith in her abilities.  Lucasfilm, so far, everything is lining up well.  One year from now I know where I'll be. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly (Novel)

Michael Connelly writes a legal thriller introducing us to his newest character Mickey Haller, a defense attorney who drives around in a Lincoln conducting business from all over Los Angeles. While he believes his job is a noble one, he also believes he should be paid for his services. And if the right gig comes his way, he expects to be paid big. He thinks he found one in the case of Louis Roulet, a rich realtor accused of attacking a woman in her apartment and trying to kill her. It should be easy money because the girl is a prostitute with zero credibility. There’s just one problem. Louise might be more dangerous than Mickey could have realized. If you like fast-paced books with an exciting mystery and a very likeable hero then this should be right up your alley. It’s a solid thriller and proof that Mr. Connelly is a fine storyteller. Grade: A-

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

True Detective (Season 1)

This stand-alone HBO detective story is a remarkable achievement in direction and acting. Both Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson are working at the top of their game. McConaughey is gone and some remorse detective named Rustin Cohle radiates off the screen with haunted pain. Harrelson sheds any hint of his usual kind of character and is Detective Martin Hart, a womanizing dirt bag alcoholic that for some reason you still care about. Together under the direction of Cary Joji Fukunaga (the maker of the brilliant Sin Nombre) and from the mind of writer Nic Pizzolatto, we have us a dark, mean, journey into the heart of Louisiana where there’s a serial killer loose that no one believes is there. The look of this production is beautiful and dangerous, showing the industrial world collide with the swamps and shacks of another time. If the first couple of episode take a bit of time to get into, don’t worry, but the mid-point you’ll not be able to get the events that transpire out of your head. This is TV gold and it’s no surprise it’s from HBO. It’s almost good enough to get an subscription. Grade: A

Friday, December 5, 2014

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 (2014)

Having read the book I can see why it would make sense to divide this part of the story into two films. It also makes sense financially to do it. (Of course there’s always the possibility of other films to be made in this world, believe it or not. So more money can be generated later but you might as well double your profits when you’re hot.) That said, after watching the film, it does feel incomplete. This is certainly the first half of a film with a year-long intermission. That’s not to knock it too badly, for I did enjoy it and as an adaptation it’s pretty good. I would say it’s the worst of the series so far. There are scenes that repeat themselves and I would have liked to have spent more time with the other characters as well, for they will become important later. Finnick for example has an entire back story shoved to the side as background noise. Still it’s an engaging story with one of the best heroines in movies right now played by one of the best actresses in the business. Jennifer Lawrence is the kind of star you can’t take your eyes off of. She’s a brilliant actress who gives every moment her all. If not for her this would be a far less interesting franchise. Francis Lawrence, the director, feels like he become very comfortable with this world. I’m confident when I watch Part 2 of this story he’ll be making something truly epic. I can’t wait. Grade: B+