My Grading System

A+ = Masterpiece (I hold back on this one.) / A = Great. / A- = Really Good. / B+ = Good. / B = Decent (Serviceable). / B- = Flawed but okay (For those times there's something redeeming about the work). / C+ = Not very good (Skip it). C = Bad. / C- = Awful. / F = Complete Disaster (I hold back on this one too).

Note on Spoilers: I will try to avoid ruining a story by going into too much detail. But if I wish to include some revealing points to my analysis I will try to remember to add a separate spoiler paragraph.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Star Trek Beyond (2016)

After the last installment to this intergalactic reboot, I was glad to see J.J. Abrams leave so another director could attempt to bring back the magic he created and so promised.  I’m not a fan of the second film and had high hopes this third film would be better.  And it is!  Yeah!   It still has its problems but I’m grateful that they at least got us away from Earth and took us out into space.   Again there are some issues with this film and perhaps that’s because instead of making a Star Trek film, Paramount wanted to make an action-packed Guardians of the Galaxy-type film.  That makes sense.   I don’t know how excited today’s audiences would be to see a pure science fiction drama that explored any “big” ideas.   This is more of a fun movie made for those who like spectacle over substance.   Justin Lin does a mostly serviceable job and you can tell the writers (Simon Pegg and Doug Jung) want to have an explosive good time.   It’s not a film you have to see in the theater but it’s good enough to recommend.  If this is the last we see of this cast, making this the last of a trilogy, I’ll be okay with it.  It’s a good one to end on even if I’d love to see this cast return one more time.   I’d love to see this cast return for a Star Trek film that contained some actual innovation but that’s unlikely with those in charge.   Grade: B+


They might as well paint the Enterprise red.  In every film the poor thing gets destroyed and crashes.   It’s really getting old.  Can’t you guys think of anything more eventful to have happen then the heroes’ spaceship getting killed?   Very redundant and dilutes the impact every time this happens.   Also it’s getting really tiring to have a villain whose sole goal is revenge against the Federation.  That’s the villain’s goal in all three films.  What happened to the Enterprise running into a threat that doesn’t know who the Federation is?   With the endless plots that can be created in a universe teeming with dangerous obstacles it’s very annoying that they keep using the same old “revenge” plot.   It also cheapens any potential conflict or drama from the crew.   It’s like the producers never watched an episode of any of the shows.  And again poor Idris Elba, the guy can’t get a decent role.  Here he’s under a ton of makeup and made to play a very typical baddy.   It’s Idris Elba, folks.  Will someone in Hollywood give this guy a meaty role he can sink his teeth into?   

Note: Anton Yelchin died before this was released by a freak accident.  His death might make it even more unlikely we’ll see more from this cast.  You can’t recast Chekov, it would be weird.  Still I think he would have liked for this cast to keep making Star Trek movies without him.   We’ll see.  A very talented guy and he’ll be missed by everyone who knew him or those who watched him perform.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Hilary Clinton (Commentary)

I’m with her.  Of course.  Our other option is not even an option.  And I’m not going to vote for her because she’s the lesser of two evils, because she’s not evil at all.  I actually think she’s a good person and will make a terrific president.   How anyone could vote for the other guy, I don’t even want to say his name, is beyond me.  I understand it if you’re Republican . . . no, wait a minute.  I don’t understand it if you’re a Republican.  Do you really want the last Republican president (and let’s be clear, his failure will signal the end of the party) to be the Don?   What’s four more years?  Republicans, you survived just fine with Obama; I think you’ll survive another Clinton.  Regardless of her failings (which are Republican smoke screens) she is the most qualified person for the job.  Sure she won’t be able to do much of anything until there’s a Democratic Congress but at least she’ll represent our country with grace and intelligence.  While it will be nice to finally have a woman in the oval office her gender is irrelevant to me.  She’s worthy of the job and I trust in her completely.  I get it though.  She’s not an entertainer like the Don.  She isn’t a great orator like Obama.  She has some baggage.  I don’t care.  We’re not voting for entertainer of the year, we’re voting for a person who can manage the Executive branch, inspire our children, and be a good spokesperson to our neighboring countries.  Hilary is perfect for this role and any vote not for her is a vote for him.  Again it’s not even a choice, it’s so obvious who to vote for I can’t believe the polls show this race being so close.  But sadly it is and I’m terrified.  Hopefully America will walk up to the ballot box and suddenly find their common sense because this election is too important to let a qualified candidate like Hilary Clinton get away.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Donald Trump (Commentary)

This is a joke, right.  I can’t believe this is happening.  Donald J. Trump is the Republican nominee for president.  President of the United States.  Not the President of the Spoiled-Rich Yacht club.  No, not the President of D-List Celebrities.  President of the United States of America.  Trump.  President of the United States.   They’re like polar opposites.  I can still remember watching Trump jump into the race many months ago and I thought it was his way of getting publicity.  There is no way this man can win this election.  We, as in the People of the United States, cannot allow this to happen.  What does it say about our country if we elect this dumb ass as our Commander-in-Chief?  How embarrassing.  How eye-opening!  Our country really has lost its way.   Please American let’s not be dumb.  We're better than this.  

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr.

I really wanted to like this classic of Science Fiction.   It takes place in a post-apocalyptic American desert where a Catholic monastery preserves past technology.   It’s one of those great premises that works as a premise but not necessarily as a story.  The characters never really stood out for me and the reading experience felt like homework.   There’s some great themes embedded in this book and I understand why so many hold this book up in reverence but I just found it to be long and emotionally flat.   The plotting didn’t hold my interest and when I finished I felt relief that it was over.  Grade: C

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Zootopia (2016)

Disney Animation brings us a modern world populated with animals and it’s fantastic.  Judy is a bunny that wants to be a police officer not a meter maid.  No one takes her seriously especially a con artist fox named Nick.  Yet together they must uncover a conspiracy that threatens the very foundations that keep Zootopia society a great place to co-exist.   The message of this film is so important and very timely.  It’s hilarious and clever and the kind of family-friendly crowd pleaser that will become a classic over time I guarantee.  Grade: A

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Memory of Light by Brandon Sanderson and Robert Jordan

I started reading this series in 1999.   What a feeling of accomplishment!  15 huge books.   So many years wondering if I would ever get to complete it, especially when the author dies, and now I can say I’ve done it.  Was it worth it?  Would I tell someone that’s considering to read The Wheel of Time to do so?   Mostly yes, because it is an entertaining read.  Some of the books in this series I’d put up there as the best fantasy books I’ve ever read.  My hesitation is it is a huge commitment (especially if you’re a slow reader like myself) and the ending (while mostly excellent) isn’t as satisfying as I had hoped.  But let’s be honest.  Endings are really hard.  Most writers would fail trying to tie up all the loose ends and have events conclude with a ring of believably.   Brandon Sanderson and Harriet McDougal are heroes for giving us fans an end to a series that would have never seen an end if not for their passion.   I feel silly to nick pick and find fault in any decision that was made, but I will because that’s my right.  I get to have an opinion just like every other reader. 

Tarmon Gai'don has begun.  At the Field of Merrilor team Rand al’Thor plan for the onslaught.   Egwene and Elayne will lead the charge while Rand goes to fight the Dark One at Shayol Ghul.  Perrin will have to join the fight in Tel'aran'rhiod.  Will Mat be able to convince Tuon and her Seanchan army to join the last battle?  Everyone is on hand in a book jammed packed with battles and carnage and victories and defeats.   It’s almost too much at times but when you’re talking about the end of the world and with dozens of character arcs to explore, of course it’s going to be a lot.  It’s all very exciting and well-paced and makes for a solid conclusion.   If you’ve made it this far and don’t keep reading you’d be a fool.   Grade: A-

Spoilers:  I had a bad feeling there wouldn’t be many great deaths when in the opening prologue Sanderson sets up what would have been a fantastic and heroic end to the character of Talmanes as he fights to save the Dragons from Caemlyn’s destruction but alas, just before he dies, an Aes Sadai heals him.  In the end there were some great deaths, Egwene being the best.   Siuan Sanche and Gareth Bryne both getting killed helped make for a believable story.   But of the three Ta'veren, Rand, Perrin and Mat, they all live.  I can see why keeping Perrin alive is a good idea.  I even like Mat living, but Rand should have perished at the end.   I can see how Jordan and Sanderson probably were trying to avoid the whole “messiah” concept but for Rand to fake his death and be able to wander the world free of responsibility (remember he’s a father now) and let his wives take care of the mess he left behind, it’s just some kind of cruel male fantasy.   Yeah, I saved the world and now I get to retire.   I’m not saying more people needed to die (many do of course) but when only one of the main characters perishes (Egwene) it’s just feels too easy.  It was the end of the world, the last battle, people sacrificed their lives so others would live . . . just make sure none of our favorite characters die?   It was a bit of a cope out.  I was hoping for a more inventive end where Rand surrenders himself and becomes the new Dark One, or Perrin loses his wife and vows to never marry.   Maybe the Aes Sadai are tricked by Tuon and have to fight two battles at once.   Maybe have it that Rand fails and Perrin and Mat have to join him to kill the Dark one. Anything to make the end of this story stand out and be different.   In the end we have a satisfying conclusion with no real guts.   It’s the happy ending we were expecting but not really needing.   What starts off as one of the most memorable fantasy epics ever ends as a long drawn out bang that will be forgotten over the next few years. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Neon Demon (2016)

Nicolas Winding Refn is a brutal filmmaker and here he makes a sardonic statement on the modeling world's obsession with perfection and the youthful ideas of beauty.   Reminiscent of Argento’s Suspiria, Refn spins a horror film that is stylistically techno and vibrant with dread.  It demands to be seen and remembered.  Unfortunately for me it’s also flawed by the weight of its own shocking goofiness.  I can’t tell if you’re supposed to find it over the top funny (which it’s not) or if you’re supposed to be grossed out (which I was).   Elle Fanning is radiant and the perfect victim at hand.  If only the audience was rewarded for following her doomed story.  I do recommend it though for fans of risky film making and applaud Refn for jumping outside the box of normal.   Grade: B+

Spoiler:  That end is just stupid.  I mean, eating the eyeball is cartoony.  What could have been a shocking ending lost its luster with a moment of slapstick gore.  It does kind of resonate with the rest of the film but for the last moment to be so outlandish, I just felt betrayed.  Also couldn’t Fanning’s character have found some victory against her attackers?  I hate it when the villains win without any consequence.  If she could have killed one of them before dying I would have been way more pleased.